ATXHPS-S0横河模块 日本横河模块/DCS卡件/PLC: AKT801-1、AKT801-4、AKT802-1、AKT802-4、AKT803-1、AKT803-4(-1表示100-240V,-4表示24V) AEXHMC-S1、AEXHMC-S2、ATXHMM-S0、ATXHMS-S0 AEXHIC-S1、AEXHIC-S2 Marshaling Card Appliance AEXGA1-S0 Marshaling card for analog input (PXIA11/12/41) (for connection with AAV141) AEXGA2-S0 Marshaling card for analog input (PXIA21/22/31/32) (for connection with AAI141) AEXGA5-S0 Marshaling card for analog input-output (PXIA11/12/41 and PXOA11/21) (for connection with AAB841) AEXGD1-S0 Marshaling card for digital input (PXID11/21) (for connection with ADV151) AEXGD5-S0 Marshaling card for digital output (PXOD11/31) (for connection withADV551) AEXGD6-S0 Marshaling card for digital output (PXOD21/41) (for connection withADV551) AEXGP1-S0 Marshaling card for pulse input (PXIP11) (for connection with AAP135) AEXGP2-S0 Marshaling card for pulse input (PXIP21/41) (for connection with AAP135) AEXHHL-S0、AEXHHL-S1、AEXHHL-S2 HL-PIU Point Card File Assembly migration kit AEXGA1-S0 Marshaling card for analog input (PXIA11/12/41) (for connection with AAV141) AEXGA2-S0 Marshaling card for analog input (PXIA21/22/31/32) (for connection with AAI141) AEXGA5-S0 Marshaling card for analog input-output (PXIA11/12/41 and PXOA11/21) (for connection with AAB841) AEXGD1-S0 Marshaling card for digital input (PXID11/21) (for connection with ADV151) AEXGD5-S0 Marshaling card for digital output (PXOD11/31) (for connection with ADV551) AEXGD6-S0 Marshaling card for digital output (PXOD21/41) (for connection with ADV551 AEXGP1-S0 Marshaling card for pulse input (PXIP11) (for connection with AAP135) AEXGP2-S0 Marshaling card for pulse input (PXIP21/41) (for connection with AAP135) AEXGAA-S0 Marshaling card for analog input-output (for connection with two AAB841) AEXHIC-S1、AEXHIC-S2 Marshaling Card Appliance ATXHA1-S0 Adapter for AAV141/AAI543 ATXHD1-S0 Adapter for ADV151/ADV551 ATXHP1-S0 Adapter for AAP135 (J-PIM00 Sink type) ATXHP2-S0 Adapter for AAP135 (J-PIM00 Source type) AEXHAR-S0 Compatible terminal board for RTP70 (RTD type) AEXHAT-S0 Compatible terminal board for RTP60 (TC type) ATXHPA-S0 Adapter for AAB841 (MU-TAOX type) ATXHPB-S0 Adapter for AAI543 (MU-TAOY type) ATXHPD-S0 Adapter for ADV151 (MU-TDID/TDIA type) ATXHPE-S0 Adapter for ADV551 (MU-TDOD/TDOA/TDON/TDOR type) ATXHPS-S0 Adapter for TAOY22/23/52/53 ATXHPV-S0 Adapter for AAV141 (MU-TAIH type) AEXHPP-S0 Compatible Terminal Board for MU-TPIX12/52 (pulse input type) AEXHPR-S0 Compatible Terminal Board for MU-TAMR02 (RTD type) AEXHPT-S0 Compatible Terminal Board for MU-TAMT02/03 (TC type) AEXBLC-S10 Marshalling Board for Controller module AEXBLM-S10 Marshalling Board for IMLMM02/NLMM01/NLMM02 AEXBD8-S10 Marshalling Board for IMDSM05/NDSM05 AEXBNU-S10 Unit for Termination modules |